Dynamic Minnesota Timberwolves Headline Widget

This page is designed for webmasters, bloggers or anyone who would like to place dynamic sports headlines on their website or profile page. We provide free, dynamic, real-time headlines for every MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL team as well as boxing, golf, horse racing, mixed martial arts, MLS soccer, NASCAR, NCAA basketball, NCAA football, NHRA Drag Racing, poker, high school football, tennis, and the WNBA. All you have to do is copy and paste the HTML code below onto the page where you'd like the headlines to be displayed, and our servers will feed in dynamic headlines to your page. Place this widget on your MySpace profile page or personal blog, or any other web page where you can place custom HTML code. We've had local television stations use this widget on their website to get up-to-date information about the local professional sports teams.

First, choose how you would like the headlines displayed on your webpage. If you know HTML, you can edit the raw HTML code that you put on your page, as needed, but please keep our link at the top.

The height of the iframe is automatically adjusted depending on the width and the number of headlines you want. You can modify the raw HTML code to adjust the height or width, but this is NOT recomended, as each headline needs a certain amount of width and height based on the number of headlines you want. Miscalculating these numbers can produce strange results.

Important: The widget is geared towards displaying headlines and blog posts for a particular sport or team. If you're one of our bloggers and would like the widget to display all of your blog posts no matter what the subject of the blog post is, be sure to choose "All Sports Headlines" for the first customization option.

If you put this code on your page and you're NOT already a member of our network, please join our email list so that we can notify you about any technical updates. If you're already a blogger in our network, there is no need to fill out this form. Joining is not mandatory but highly recomended.
Your URL

If you have any questions or comments you can contact us here:

What headlines would you like?
Headline/First Paragraph
Blog Posts or Syndicated News
Blogger's Username

(Tip: You can put in the username for any blogger within our
sports network if you want to see only their blog posts.)
Number of headlines
Full article appears
Background color
Text color
Link color

Copy and paste the code below onto your webpage for dynamic headlines.

This site is not affiliated, owned, or controlled or otherwise connected in any way to the Minnesota Timberwolves or the National Basketball Association (NBA) or any of its entities.